Who is behind Bardot Family Farm?

Roger and Wendy Bardot. We are currently farming the same land that has been in the Bardot family for over a century. We believe in wholesome core values that are reflected in our products. We give the best care for our animals and treat them as humanely as possible.

What values do you use to raise your animals?

We fully believe in raising our animals in the most humane way possible. When we say humane we mean the animals have fresh water, plenty of grass, room to move around and fresh feed and grain. We believe in being transparent with the public and telling people how farms actually function. We believe in having the best animal welfare for our animals.

Does Bardot Family Farm use antibiotics or added hormones?

If one of your loved ones were sick, you would want them to feel better, right? That is how we feel with our animals. We use antibiotics only when necessary to treat an illness. The United States Department of Agriculture states that is is illegal to use growth promoting hormones in poultry and pigs. We do not used added hormones in our cattle, even though there is no significant difference between animal treated with added hormones and those without.

Where can I purchase your products?

We sell to the local farmer’s market in St. Clair, Missouri. We also can deliver within a 50 mile radius of Lonedell, Missouri.

Are there any special discounts or offers?

We do offer a  discount if you order 30 or more pounds of meat.

What breed of cattle do you raise? 

Bardot Family Farm has an array of cattle breeds, from Simmental, Shorthorn, Red Angus to Black Angus to Charolais. We breed our cows to Red Angus bulls.

What breed of chickens do you have?

For our laying hens (egg producing chickens) we have Barred Rock, Ameraucana, Rhode Island Red, Silver Laced Wyandotte and Leghorn.

Still have questions about the farm or the Bardot Family?                                                              Contact us at:                                                                                                                                     (636) 629-6026                                                                                                         lbardot2@gmail.com